MAIN STUDY: Clinical assessment and follow-up of a naturalistic population of patients enrolled in an amyloid imaging program in memory clinics in Brescia, Italy" COMPANION STUDY: Evaluation of florbetapir (18F) PET in subjects participating in the IRCCS-FBF protocol"

Detection of brain amyloidosis with PET has become increasingly relevant since the NIA-AA diagnostic criteria for AD (McKhann et al., 2011) and MCI (Albert et al., 2011) have been published. 11C-Pittsburgh compound B (11C-PIB) is to date the most widely utilized amyloid binding PET tracer (Herholz et al., 2011). Previous studies with the novel fluorine radiotracer 18F-florbetapir demonstrated that it may label amyloid aggregates in a manner similar to 11C-PIB, exhibiting high-affinity and specific binding to amyloid plaques (Clark et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2012). 18F-florbetapir is the first FDA-approved imaging marker for in vivo brain amyloid burden. “Clinical assessment and follow-up of a naturalistic population of patients enrolled in an amyloid imaging program in memory clinics in Brescia, Italy” and “Evaluation of florbetapir (18F) PET in subjects participating in the IRCCS-FBF protocol” are two companion multicentre studies to be carried on a sample of 250 AD, MCI, non-AD patients, coming to observation of the Evaluation Units in Brescia and province, and 30 healthy elderly controls. These studies are expected to last approximately 28 months. The aims are:

  1. to estimate the diagnostic accuracy of PET imaging with 18F-florbetapir for the differentiation of clinical AD from healthy elderly controls (HC), and non-AD dementia;
  2. to assess the predictive value of PET imaging with 18F-florbetapir of progression of cognitive impairment and conversion to dementia in patients with MCI;
  3. to expand the database of 18F-florbetapir safety, amyloid binding as measured by PET imaging in patients coming to observation of the Evaluation Units complaining with cognitive disturbances, and in cognitively normal volunteers;
  4.  to provide standardized conditions for 18F-florbetapir use, data collection and analysis.
Coordinating CentresIRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio - Fatebenefratelli (BS)Giovanni B Frisoni
A.O. Spedali Civili (BS)Alessandro Padovani
Alzheimer Evaluation UnitA.O. Ospedale Maggiore di Crema (CR)Alessandro PrelleMichele Gennuso
Casa di Cura Figlie di S. Camillo (CR)Daniele VillaniMaria Clara Raimondi
Casa di Cura Ancelle della Carità (CR)Simona Gentile
Fondazione Istituto Ospedaliero di Sospiro Onlus, Sospiro (CR)Daniele BellandiPasqualina Carbone
A.O. Istituti Ospitalieri di Cremona (CR)Luigi BettoniLuciano Abruzzi
Fondazione Benefattori Cremaschi Onlus, Crema (CR)Mario Guerini
Istituto Clinico Sant’Anna (BS)Angelo Bianchetti
Fondazione Richiedei, Palazzolo s/O (BS)Emanuela FacchiIgnazio Di Fazio
Ospedale di Vallecamonica Esine (BS)Marinella Turla
Istituto Clinico San Rocco, Ome (BS)Cesare Bargnani
Istituto Clinico Città di Brescia (BS)Giorgio Dalla VoltaGiacinta Bilotti
Fondazione Poliambulanza (U.O. Geriatria) (BS)Renzo RozziniStefano Boffelli
IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio - Fatebenefratelli (BS)Orazio ZanettiGiulia Lussignoli
A.O. Spedali Civili (BS)Alessandro PadovaniLuca Rozzini
Ospedale Treviglio-Caravaggio di Treviglio (BG)Bruno FerraroGaetano Gorgone
Fondazione I.P.S. "Cardinal Giorgio Gusmini", Vertova (BG)Melania CappuccioMarta Zaffira Conti
Casa di Cura S. Francesco (BG)Massimo MoleriAnna Micheli
Centro Alzheimer di Gazzaniga (BG)Carlo De FantiDario Mirabile
Casa di Cura Quarenghi, San Pellegrino Terme (BG)Giovanni Pietro SalviLaura Manzoni
Humanitas Gavazzeni (BG)Paola MerloAlessandra Mandelli
Fondazione Casa di Ricovero Santa Maria Ausiliatrice ONLUS (BG)Gloria BelottiSabina Cavaliere
Policlinico San Marco, Zingonia-Osio Sotto (BG)Massimo CamerlingoLaura Perego
Policlinico San Pietro, Ponte San Pietro (BG)Claudio Ferrante
A.O. Carlo Poma (MN)Alfonso CicconeAlessia Lanari
Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri Clinica del Lavoro e della Riabilitazione IRCCS, Castel Goffredo (MN)Stefano AvanziGiuliana Vezzadini
Neurology Outpatient ClinicCasa di Cura San Camillo (BS)Mariangela BiasioAngelo Bosio
Fondazione Poliambulanza (U.O. Neurologia) (BS)Edoardo DonatiEugenio Magni
A.O. Bolognini di Seriate (BG)Fabrizio FiaccoLaura Valente
Ospedale Civile di Volta Mantovana, Volta Mantovana (MN)Luisa SellettiFrancesco Palmerini
Nuclear Medicine UnitsA.O. Spedali Civili (BS)Barbara Paghera
Fondazione Poliambulanza (BS)Ugo Paolo Guerra